Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Have Fun Without Blowing Your Budget

By Michelle Adams

You don't have to spend a fortune on a night out. The fact is, that cheaper is often a lot more fun. Spending a lot of money usually means that you will be doing the same thing again and again; the obligatory meal in the good restaurant and then maybe take in a show.

There are various ways to find out about forthcoming concerts or events in your local area. Trade of commerce, online and even newspaper adverts will alert you to what's coming. Outdoor concerts and plays are great in the summer, and art galleries and museums often have events too.

A lot of towns now have performances of plays and movies showing at greatly reduced prices in the afternoon or midweek. You don't have to go out on a Saturday night like everyone else, during the week prices are cheaper and places are also a lot quieter.

Two more ways of spending time with your loved one without spending a penny is to go for a bike ride or have a fun game of tennis on the free courts at the park. These activities always provide a laugh and you are also getting fit as a bonus.

If you go camping a lot, you will no doubt have a badminton set amongst your supplies. Dig it out and have a few laughs in the backyard.

In the current economic climate, we have to consider the cost of gas or taxis and babysitters before we even think of what we are going to spend once we get out. With this in mind, you can have a great night in without spending a penny.

Get the kids off to bed or bribe them to stay in another part of the house then do something together without leaving the house. Dim the light and pile the cushions on the floor and listen to some romantic music, or even have a picnic while you are down there.

There are so many different relationships going on within the average household that the main one between you and your partner gets lost somewhere down the line. Make the effort to spend time alone as a couple. family,happiness,leisure,health,fitness,home accessories,parenting,environment,advice,home improvement,kids,outdoors,recreation,consumer electronics

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