Friday, January 15, 2010

Dating with Children - Is it Really Possible to Date Again?

By Kim Allissa

Whatever the reason is, you have found yourself in the position of being a single parent. Not only do you have yourself to look after, you have your children to look after too. That is what makes dating with children a very different ball game.

Maybe you have been thinking about entering the dating world again, but are not sure how to go about it in a way that does not affect your children negatively. Alternatively, maybe you have already started dating, but it has not been easy for you or and your children.

Another thing to remember is that your children will be watching you, and they will learn a lot about life as they watch you and how you handle this part of your life.

Here are four great tips for single parents dating with children:

* Keep your children safe psychologically and physically - by keeping your dating world separate from your children. Do not introduce them to all of your dates. There are many reasons for this. First, if your children have a second parent (i.e. your ex), they are probably not interested in the thought of having another one. They may even feel threatened that the person you are dating is going to steal time away from them. Another reason is that you do not want your children to get too close with someone you do not intend to have a long-term relationship with, as this may cause feelings of loss for your children. This could be particularly traumatic if your children have lost a parent to death or a parent who walked out or was just never there for them.

* Quit wasting your time - Dating does not have to take a lot of your time. If you go out on long first dates every time, you are not only using up a lot of your time, you are also probably having some expensive babysitter bills too. Instead, make sure you limit your first dates to short periods of time such as meeting at a coffeehouse. Subsequent dates can be longer if you hit it off with this person. Furthermore, you should look into dating over the internet, which allows you time to meet other people after the kids go to bed.

* Take the pressure off yourself - Do not feel like you have to date, and do not let other people's expectations of what you should or should not be doing influence you. If you want to date, then do it with only the intention of having fun and finding companionship. Do not look at it as a way to meet a new mother or father for your children, or as looking for someone that you will be spending the rest of your life with. This may very well happen, but do not let these thoughts pressure you as you will then not make decisions that are as wise for yourself and that of your children.

* Date with the intention to enjoy an adult's company - not with the intention of meeting your next wife or husband! You do not want to rush into anything, nor do you want to give that impression. If you date for the right reasons, you are likely to meet up with someone that you do end up in a committed relationship with.

In summary, dating with children is something that many parents are doing. However, there are ways to go about dating that will make it easier for both you and your children. Make sure to keep the tips just explored in mind and to put them to use as you take on this new adventure in your life.

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