Thursday, August 20, 2009

How You Can Talk With Women - How to Get Her Interested And Engaged

By Will Combs

I hope that you have never whistled at a girl or tried to gain her attention through a pickup line.

If you have you probably realize now that girls do not respond positively to these pathetic attempts to communicate with them. If you have not realized it and have gotten a positive response with this approach I suggest a visit to the doctor because you may be in need of some Penicillin.

During your actual conversation with a woman is when she will decide if you are a creep and mace you in the face or you are a cute guy and give you her phone number.

The best piece of advice I have been given on conversation is "You have to be interested in order to be interesting." In other words you must take the initiative to get to know her, this is done by asking her questions.

There are two basic questions I suggest:

1. Where are you from?

2. What do you do for work/school?

This will get a response for example: "I am from here, born and raised"

You should respond with a follow up question such as: "Really, so all your family lives here also?"

The purpose for these specific questions is they will almost always elicit a response that will give you more information for follow up questions.

Another example if you use question #2 and she responds with: "I work in sales"

You could then follow up with "What sort of sales?" or "How long have you been doing it?" or even simple questions such as "do you like it?"

After you ask 2 or 3 follow up questions you should answer the questions you asked her, regardless of if she asks them of you or not. In other words after she told you where she was from, and how long she lived there, ... you would respond with telling her where you are from and how long you have lived there.

By answering your own questions you overcome two large obstacles.

1. She does not feel like she is being interviewed

2. She feels like she is getting to know you because you are revealing information about yourself.

Last tip; Don't say anything negative. Instead say good things and don't talk bad about other people. A woman will form a negative opinion of you if you are complaining about something or bad mouthing someone the first time she meets you.

About the Author:

Pick Up Artist Online - 8 Tips For Picking Up Girls Online

By Charles Jackson

Are you using social websites such as Myspace and Facebook to pick up girls online? If not then you are cheating yourself!

Check out the advice here and you will soon be a pick up artist online!

1. Your profile photo should be awesome as it may be the only thing that she sees! The very best photo you could have would be one where you are with either one or two very hot girls!

2. You should try and get many more photos where you are with other hot girls. This way, any girl you message will know that you are desired by other girls and that you can be trusted!

3. You need to communicate the message that you are interesting and fun. You can do this with your other photos! Show some cool hobbies such as rock climbing or snow boarding!

4. Never show your relationship status! If you have up for the world to see that you are single, then she will know why you are messaging her!

5. If you use Facebook, don't poke, prod, kiss or cuddle people! Never use any of the stupid applications either! You should be way too busy for any of that!

6. Go through your wall posts and delete anything that shows you in a bad light. You may have to be ruthless! Keep on top of this. If you're seen to be boring, delete it!

7. You need to collect wall posts from your hot female friends. Preferably they should be inviting you out for a drink, a night out at a bar or club, or a chat!

8. Don't come across like you spend all your time on Facebook! Through your photos and wall posts, you can get the message across that you are busy, important, fun, interesting and likeable!

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