Monday, March 19, 2012

The Basics About Indian Arranged Weddings

By Jayde Johannsen

The custom of Indian arranged weddings are a controversial discussion point among Westerners. There are many people who take a negative view where this custom is concerned. Even though people in the West are often not in agreement with this arrangement, many young people from India do not experience a problem with it.

These events are generally arranged by both the boy's family and the girl's family. There are many factors that are taken into consideration when investigating compatibility of the pair concerned. Religion is important. It is preferred that they belong to the same religion and preferably to the same sect. The girl should be younger as well as shorter than the boy.

Many families prefer that the girl has a fair skin. Both the boy and the girl should also be satisfied with each other's looks. Their mother tongue should be the same. Their ethnic caste should be the same. The dietary habits and other habits like smoking and alcohol consumption should be acceptable to both parties.

With regards to the education of the couple, it is acceptable that they have similar education levels. If not, the boy should have a higher level of education than the girl. If they are at an age where they already have their own careers, then their professions should be acceptable to both parties. The male's current financial situation as well as his future financial options should be acceptable to the female. There are instances where the families will have an astrological compatibility chart drawn up.

Some families will discuss all these various expectations with their offspring before the search for a suitable partner is started. The expectations will be discussed with relatives as well as close family friends and they will be able to offer suggestions as well. When a suitable agreement has been finalized between the parents on both sides, the relatives and friends of the families will gather to give their blessing.

This event is comparable to the traditional Western engagement. At the time of this event the date for the wedding will be set and agreed upon. Normally, an astrologically favorable date will be chosen for the wedding day. The families exchange fruits as well as clothing as a symbol of acceptance of the arrangement.

It is suggested that an arranged wedding has to be based on commitment. This is done as there are not yet any other feelings present for the person you are marrying. As time passes by, the feelings will grow stronger as will the commitment. This makes for a stronger, more solid relationship for the future because if your marriage is based on feelings alone and those feelings start disappearing, so will your marriage and commitment.

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