Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 Common Reasons Why You Might Have Broke Up

By Daniel Dalton

t's said that, there are many of reasons why a relationship can fail but the truth is only a small number of them cause the most breakups in a relationships. Whether or not you want to save your relationship or want to know how to get your ex back, here are three ways to help you get your partner to come back to you.

Don't Blame Your Partner

It easy to blame your ex for all the awful and wicked things they had done to cause the relationship to fail. In reality, the truth is that you need to look inward and take responsibility.

Blaming your ex is really the easy way out and will always make them get defensive. No one likes to be wrong and that includes you. Pointing the figure will only trigger them to counterattack and set up defenses. This may escalate to something worse. A better solution is to be open and humble. You may have to give in to start rebuildling.

Take This Time for Yourself

You love your partner, alright. But did you know that even seemingly perfect couples broke up after a few days on vacation? The reason is simple: Before they saw each other before and after work, but now they were together 24/7 and soon got angry about details they weren't even aware of before. Alone time is a healthy part of being an individual.

The old adage goes, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". You don't have to ignore your partner or neglect them. You just have to have your "own" time as individuals. This is critical ingredient to a happy and healthy relationship. It's important to you each feel independent from the other when it comes to your true interests and passions.

Mind the Way You Talk

Opening the lines of communication is so important if you want any chance of fixing or saving your relationship from ending. Communicating is a civil discussion of issues and things that are important to the both of you. It is NOT arguing or fighting.

Words are very powerful. They can bring out the best in someone and also the worst. Be careful with your words as you can damage your relationship with sarcastic or mean remarks. You may find it funny or amusing. But when your partner's feelings are hurt, it's no laughing matter.

Remember to always be aware of what come out of your mouth. It you can improve your communication skills with your partner, the better you chances to getting back to the love you once had. Time an time again has shown that if you are willing to listen and make some miinor adjustments, you can have a happier and healthier relationship.

These are just a few tips to help you on the road to recovery for your relationship. You have to put it into action if you want to get your ex back.

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