Friday, June 19, 2009

Why Have Breast Augmentation Because It's Fun!

Many women start the journey to breast augmentation with the questions most women ask about breasts:

* Why have breast augmentation? * How big is too big? * Do I really need implants?

To quote Eva Mendes, beautiful, curvy, and so sexy, Eva Mendes, "It's fun to be a woman. It's fun to flirt and wear makeup and have boobs"

Yes, ladies, it's fun to have beautiful breasts. It's fun to be noticed by men and to flirt. Glorious flirting often begins with first appearances, with a man who notices a woman with a great figure and a big smile.

There have been studies and surveys, anecdotes, and scientific research on the effects of breast augmentation. It's pretty much widely accepted that implants and other related plastic surgery procedures give the recipient woman a boost of confidence primarily due to the concept of looking great-feeling great.

Women who are smaller up top and have been that way since puberty and women who have lost volume from age or childbirth or both, often look to plastic surgery to create a figure that Mother Nature did not. Larger breasts or a lift (or even a reduction for some women) can give a boost to self esteem and sexuality.

In fact, many women after surgery report a renewed interest in sex, and husbands and boyfriends report their partner being much more involved in the sex experience. Hmmm After surgery, how long do you have to wait before having sex?

After surgery, vigorous activity such as exercise and sex must be approached conservatively. Any activity that causes much movement in your breasts for a week or two after surgery should make one pause. If you don't move too much, sex may be possible, but how much fun is that? It's best to discuss with your surgeon. (It's always important to remember that antibiotics you may be taking after surgery can interfere with oral birth control pills. You may want to use another form of contraception.)

Also, after surgery, it's fun to where lower cut shirts. It's fun to show off a little more cleavage. It's fun to wear shirts a little tighter. All of these things are attention getters, and that is a consideration before choosing enhancement surgery.

A few women have had surgery and realized that after surgery they get lots more attention than they are comfortable with. For these women, the frequent attention of men makes them uneasy. This is not fun. We want to be comfortable in our own bodies-that's the point of surgery!

This is where a thorough breast sizing consultation comes into play. A good and experienced plastic surgeon will have a sizing consultation program. Computer imaging and implant testers to add into your bra are great devices, but these are no replacement for a thorough consultation with discussion of what the patient expects and what the surgeon believes are realistic results.

It is during the consultation that the surgeon learns about the patient and what she wants to accomplish with her chosen procedure. The patient should only consider a surgeon who spends adequate time with you and is careful to answer your questions and concerns.

How to Win Love Back - Common Sense That You Must Know

How to win love back seems to be very easy when everyone talks about it, but it is so tough when someone does it. The tip here is - do not show how desperate you are.

The reason behind is very simple. Women play mind games. Therefore, do not chase back your ex. The typical guy way of getting your ex back is by sending thousand of messages everyday, sending her gifts and flowers, and some even stalk their own ex. By doing this, it will not make your ex comes back to you; instead they will run further away from you.

What you should do is treat her as a friend. If you guys hang out in a group, flirt with every girl except for her. This do best if there is an enemy of her around. Flirt with her enemy, make her unable to ignore the fact that you are charming and make her jealous.

It is also a good idea that you date with your ex's close friends. The message will soon be sent to her that you are dating with her close friend. By doing this, you will make her jealous and come back for you.

Even if you do not like to do trick like that, it is important that you keep yourself happy. Enjoy things that you never get to enjoy when you are with her. Hang out with your buddies, go for a gym, involves in activities that you never try will make you a happy person. Be sure to know that girls do not like to date sad guys. So make yourself happy.

How to win love back is not hard, all you have to do is find the right path, do the right thing, and she will be back to your arms again.

Dating Tips - How to Flirt With a Woman by Touching Her

Being naturally shy can fill your head with ideas that may not matter much in the 'dating game'. For instance, the thought of touching can be a challenge to many men because they don't know whether it's ok or not ok to touch a woman while in conversation with her.

To clear it up, here's what you should remember. Touching can be an awesome way to add to your interaction with women if the touch is used to: emphasize somewhat the you said; and executed in the spirit of fun, among no malicious intent whatsoever.

Have your own customized 'flirting touch' to make her feel your affection or your interest. If you don't have one yet, right here are three effective ways of making the most of touch to improve your dating game.

#1. The Lingering High Five.

What's the difference between a high 5 and a hand shake? The former conveys familiarity, while the latter affects it uncomplicated to the woman that you're introducing yourself. Is there a way to turn a high five to a lingering handshake? There is. When you meet her and you exchange a high five, you can let your touch linger a little larger number of by squeezing her hand lightly before you let her go. This way, an impersonal gesture gets woefully personal and heart-stopping.

#2. Forehead touching.

If you approach a girl who's currently very silent and unresponsive, you can show all the uneasiness you want by requested her if she's ok, but you can take this sort gesture one step further by touching her forehead. If it turns out she's really sick, later your flirting touch easily saved her life! If she's just bored, though, you still get points for being worried around her well being.

#3: The Sexy Whisper.

You know how it can get exceptionally noisy in bars and you can't give the impression to find a place to talk privately? I need not say that conversation in now kind of situation could get tricky if you and your girl do not lean within and whisper to every other. Now, there is a prompt and impersonal way of doing the current (leaning and barking loudly for your girl to get the message); and there's a sexier way of generating sexual tension just by whispering in her ear. First, don't bark; talk in a normal manner so she can hear your sexy baritone. Next, you ask for to take the plunge and lean deep, with your lips almost touching her ear.

If you can do these three effective steps, you're ready for a more advanced course on flirting. Download your FREE Dating Ebook @ now.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Knowing if Your Ex Really Wants You Back

If your ex is showing you a little bit of interest, or seems more interested in going out and spending time with you than before, or if you notice signs that your ex is trying to flirt with you, then it's okay to be a little hopeful but you need to avoid jumping the gun. Are you asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me"?

These are definitely very common signs that your ex is interested in getting you back. But even if you want to get back with your ex, you should not simply jump into things. The best way to play things is to play hard to get (in moderation), which is probably what your ex will best respond to anyway. If you simply jump into things full force, then you may find your ex pushing you back again. In fact, if your ex is giving indications that he or she wants you back, then the odds are, it was you playing hard to get that led to the renewed interest in the first place.

Usually when you break up with your ex, or he or she breaks up with you, there is a natural level of missing one another, or longing to get back together. This is especially true following a relationship of a year or longer. Your ex is probably going to miss you no matter what, because of how many memories were shared together during this period of time. But there are other emotions that come into play including past regrets. If you are wondering "does my ex want to get back with me" the odds are that your ex may be thinking the same thing for the same reasons.

Sometimes when an ex shows interest again following a break up however, it is only a game. They may see that you love them, and they may simply be trying to get attention, without actually intending to get you back. So, unless your ex really seems genuinely interested in spending time with you, they may just be passing the time because they have no other prospects on the horizon. And worst of all they may see this as away to get revenge for some perceived wrong. This is why it is important not to jump the gun, and why you should focus on reading into the situation before you act on it.

This is common, and a lot of people find themselves wondering "does my ex want to get back with me?", but the truth is, its better to get a feel for the situation before you act. In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting back with you.

Relationship tips - how to manage love with a narcissistic individual

Relationship tips - how to manage love with a narcissistic individual

I am sure you think as overrated the cliche that 'love is blind' - but neuroscience, this prodigy child of science, unveils with an almost cruel satisfaction that some areas of our brains shut down when love comes upon us, blinding the ration from the smart choices we should make.

Brain scans of the people who were madly in love are very similar to the scans of the brains of people who were doing cocaine. There you have it - love is pretty much a drug itself. In a way we are all drug dealers - the drug of choice being love and other emotional enhancers.

Love could be a wonderful happening if sometimes we wouldn't fall in love with the wrong person. If that person is a narcissist, your burden will reach heights worth of better causes. Either way, you need to learn how to cope with this situation.

According to the American Psychological Association, people with narcissistic personality disorder display a chronic and pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

Narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance, like they would have a special mission on this earth and they often have a 'king style' type of personality, while all the others should behave as humble servants of their wishes.

They always exaggerate their achievements and talents making everything in their power to gain everybody's attention and recognition. Most of the times they are arrogant and self absorbed to fulfill their special destiny.

Narcissist will indulge in fantasies of tremendous power, success or beauty, being addicted to the attention and admiration that others manifest. You will find much snobbery between them which they do not deny it but rather be proud of it.

They see themselves as unique masterpieces - God himself obtained his PhD by creating them. Complicated rather than complex personalities, they will find it difficult to empathize with other people.

They can't actually go out of the perimeter of their own personality, not understanding how people don't think the same as they do. That's why many times you may have the feeling of talking to a wall because no matter how deep you explain your point of view, most likely a narcissist will not understand it. A brick and iron wall.

They can't maintain too long relationships, most of the times because people around them give up on explaining themselves over and over again. Narcissist transform their partners in beggars - you will beg for understanding and some unconditional attention and most of the time you will celebrate only leftovers from the feast the narcissist indulged.

You will find many successful individuals with this syndrome, because narcissism will drive them to achieve success and accumulate power in order to feed their self admiration. Many success achiever have a dose of healthy narcissism - or self confidence, but healthy narcissism or selfishness will not ask the world to reflect back to them their inflated self image and ego.

A relationship with a narcissistic personality will require lots of energy and work, because they are in constant need for outside support and approval. Once these needs are fulfilled they feel powerful, but many times this need will be very hard to be satisfied. They are left feeling vulnerable and lonely - that's how they will explain their "cheating" behavior.

The genesis of this personality disorder goes back in time to the childhood. Most of the time they will be the single child in a family but even then they have been ignored or the parents had very big expectations of perfection from the child.

The child will fiercely embark on this quest of winning the appreciation of his parents, leaving him with the incapacity to understand other people's needs, as his needs were not understood as a child.

How to detect a narcissist?

1. Be aware of people who advertise themselves too much. They will always want to be in the center of attention. Being in search of constant approval and admiration they will take over "the stage" and monopolize the discussion and action. They ant to be the star in everyone's movie.

2. Lacking of empathy toward other people needs. They can't give attention to other people because they are in constant need for that attention. Everyone is a slave and object to fulfill their demands. Narcissist want all the love, all the attention, all the possessions for themselves - they will be jealous of other people's achievements and will find it hard to acknowledge their success.

3. They cannot take criticism - it appeals to their childhood memories and they will reject it with all their power. If you commit the leze-majesty to criticize them, beside the fact that they will deny it, they will feel hurt and unloved. They will never accept responsibility for any wrongdoing and will be on constant search for finding people to blame for their mistakes.

4. Many will be workaholics - being driven by the huge desire of achievement, they will put all their efforts toward achieving massive success.

It takes time to identify all these character treats as many are under the camouflage of good looking, highly successful people which will always be fascinating and attractive. They can be interesting personalities but very difficult to handle, almost impossible.

Bad news is that they cannot be changed. Read again: narcissist cannot be changed! Since they reject any form of criticism, even the constructive one, they cannot comprehend any wrongdoing and indulge in their self proclaimed image of perfection. Many of them will have secret thoughts of being god-like and will literally be blind to any mistake they will do.

It is not recommended to give in to all their demands - you will only just reinforce their grandiose needs and they will get the feeling that it is normal to have all their wishes fulfilled without them giving much in return.

How to cope with narcissistic partners?

Since they cannot be changed, you need to reevaluate your needs and long term goals for a relationship - it may be interesting for a while to be around such type of people but in the long run it gets exhausting and anger and resentment will overshadow any feelings of love and tenderness.

1. Do not give in to their neverstopping demands, keep your independence from this type of person - if in any way you depend on them, they will blackmail you to make you give in to their desires.

2. Don't let yourself be infuriated by their lack of empathy or understanding - they are not capable of it. Showing them their incapacity will do nothing - they will blame you for everything that it doesn't work.

3. Finally, decide when enough is enough. A relationship with a narcissist can take you places where you do not want to be, can make you behave in ways you do not recognize yourself . It can undermine your self esteem and will rob you of the attention you need to give to yourself trying to meet all their needs.

Many artistic personalities will be narcissistic and self absorbed, ego-centered. The fascination with them will make many of you fall for them, since their love will be just like their personality: irrational, instinctual, possessive and overwhelming. Which sometimes will unlock those crazy passionate behavior within you - fun for a while but it will wore you down and leave you with nothing in the end.

Narcissists will be attached to those that satisfy their needs but will never treat them as partners but as followers. They have the need to lead and be in control constantly - they do not need equals but disciples or pleasers. The worst thing that can happen is when one narcissist meets someone with low self-esteem - it will be the perfect victim and toy for them.