Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Do You Understand Male Habits?

By Alan Bentley

Why is it that those male habits can be so irritating? Sometimes it is difficult to understand why they are so different to us women, as we are all supposed to be from the same race! We act and behave certain ways, yet they seem to do the most amazing things, when we least expect it. How are we supposed to understand this baffling behavior and react to it?

Why is it that on the occasions when you enjoy relationships in bed, guys seem to want to make a marathon competition out of it. It appears that they cannot enjoy the situation unless it is a lengthy affair. Such male habits can be difficult to break and you may have to set up an earthy conversation with him, reassuring that it is okay to complete without making it become an abnormally lengthy affair.

As guys are growing up, male habits are ingrained. It is usual for them to take tips from society in general, which tells them that they must be the provider and always successful. If you watch them when they are playing sports in college or school you will see that they really do not like to be on the losing side, while they should really take into account that participation is the main goal. However, you could use some of that extra testosterone to your own good after the game is over!

If you are in the early stages of a relationship, you may become surprised how he loses interest in intimate matters rather quickly. This is just one of those male habits again. They may in fact start to view sex as a task rather than an enjoyment, where the goal is to achieve satisfaction and move on to the next job of the day!

As a guy, you're not supposed to spend an inordinate amount of time preparing yourself or looking after yourself. From the time of their youth, this is one of the male habits that is caused by the notion that if you do, this is far too "feminine." They will invariably go out of their way so that they are not seen in this light.

When you spend some time with your newfound love interest at his home, you may be very surprised to see that he does not appear to have as much interest in keeping the place or his surroundings as clean as you would. Traditionally, male habits call for a minimum amount of work in this respect. They just want to get by and pay more attention to the more important things in their lives, such as a career, sports, etc.

If you attribute most of the male habits that you will come up against as just unique to them, you will find that it becomes just a fun part of getting to know someone and establishing a relationship. Even though they can be frustrating, essentially you can live with them.

Life is definitely a two-way street and for a relationship to work it takes flexibility on both sides. Male habits may be particularly annoying, frustrating or unbelievable, but don't forget that your guy may well be looking at you and wondering about all those female habits as well.

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