Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to Win Your Ex Back - 3 Behavior Patterns You Must Avoid

By John Brailin

This is a dangerous time if you have just split up and are thinking how to win your ex back. Your actions in the next few days or weeks could rekindle the passion or kill it stone dead. Don't jeopardize your chances of making up by doing the wrong things.

Here is a list of 3 things to avoid:

1. Do not try to contact your ex. After splitting you must observe a period of no-contact. It sets the stage for what is to follow. If you continually attempt to text or call your ex they will be pushed away. Try not to go down this route.

Think how they will feel when the phone rings. They will always think it is you and they will remember some of the more negative aspects of your relationship. There are ups and downs in relationships, but you don't want to remind your ex of the downs.

2. Do not be needy. You cannot be demanding attention all the time from your ex. This will ultimately put pressure on them and make the situation worse. You cannot constantly cling to your ex.

An appearance of being able to take it all in your stride will have a good effect on your ex. They will think you are great for handling things well and they will be attracted to you. This behavior will make them doubt that splitting up is a good idea. Even if you feel terrible you should LOOK confident to your ex.

3. Don't beg them to come back. This is sometimes the last resort after a few other methods have been tried. It seems like a natural thing. We see it in the movies all the time. However, in this situation you will seem like you are having trouble holding on to things. Hold your chin up and look tall and your ex will be more attracted to you.

Doing the above is not how to win your ex back. You must be strong now and prepare. Use the time apart from them to make a plan to save your relationship.

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