Friday, November 27, 2009

Learn How to Flirt Fearlessly

By Wayne Brown Carter

It is innate for us guys to flirt with girls but we may find ourselves insecure in relating with girls as we go through the process of growing up. Perhaps, this may have begun at the onset of adolescence and for some, this lack of self-confidence may have stayed for good. As we go through the physical and mental conversion from being teenagers to young adults, something enigmatic may have taken place.

No matter what the stimulus is behind this deficiency in self-assurance in dealing with girls, it has become a roadblock in climbing heights we want to reach. This is actually a reality even in other areas in our life including, taking steps in climbing the corporate ladder, qualifying for football in high school and flirting. In spite of this, we acknowledge that to be able to reach greater heights, we must put up a determined attitude to be able to make that climb.

This is as real in flirting with a girl and as with applying for a new job. Principally, our distress stems from not knowing how to sell ourselves. Candidly, our main reason for flirting is to capture the attention and interest of that person from the other gender. By doing this, we are actually vending ourselves to that other person. Akin to marketing a commodity, confidence is vital so that others will be persuaded to buy what is for sale.

Many say that if we do not like ourselves, then others will find it difficult to like us. This is what happens in flirting and it has an immediate effect on ones success in flirting. The initial step to take when flirting is to refrain from entertaining the idea that you will be unsuccessful. By making no assumptions about the outcome of your attempts, you do not expect to succeed or fail. Nothing is lost then.

You are exposing your emotions to vulnerability if you expect too much from your flirting. Therefore, it is wise to accept the likelihood that the lady might say no. By taking this stance, you protect your feelings from getting hurt. You will impersonally manage rejection.

Most of the time, what hinders you to be in the flirting game is the fear of being rejected. There is nothing more to flirting than catching the girl's interest, connect by making small talk and see if you spark chemistry. We adopt a relaxed stance when we start a conversation and not think about rejection.

By putting away the fear of rejection, flirting is nothing but a casual chitchat. Nevertheless, the intention of the conversation is still to draw interest from the other person. The strategy to effective flirting is to triumph over the fear of rejection.

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