Sunday, January 31, 2010

Help My Marriage - Suggestions And Tips

By Sabrina Summerfield

It is possible to help my marriage so that you can save your marriage. Any situation can be overcome and there are many workshops and programs available that help couples stay together and be happy. One of the main steps to saving your marriage is communication but that is not all as just listening or talking may not solve the actual problem. Many times juggling work and kids can cause a strain that feels like you and your spouse are becoming strangers.

Therapy is recommended as a way to help both of you communicate. Though many may have issues with telling their personal issues to an outsider sometimes that outside perspective is just what the relationship needs. You also need to make time to be with each other no matter how busy your schedule is. This is a priority and needed for all happy marriages. You also do not need to agree all the time as long as your disagreements are constructive and do not get blown out of proportion.

It is important to help my marriage early. If you let years go by before looking for help then the chances of losing your marriage increase greatly. You also will be unhappier longer and it is better to get help early so you and your partner can be happy. It is also important to edit your conversation. You do not need to say every critical thought running through your head. Instead stick to the important ones and let the little things go.

The tone of voice you use when talking about a problem is also very important. By gently introducing an issue in a calm and not casting blame is a much better way of resolving problems then by being loud and upset and casting blame immediately. If you are calm and collected then you will have a much better chance of resolving the issues without anyone getting their feelings hurt.

A tip for men in a relationship is to accept influence. It has been found that women do this naturally but men, not so much. The next time your wife asks for help and you have plans it will go a long way to help her. You do not always have to change your plans all the time, but by doing this some of the time your wife or partner will greatly appreciate the help. Learning how to exit an argument before it escalates to large is important. Individuals in healthy relationships know how to keep the argument from getting out of hand.

The following are some well used suggestions for exiting an argument that can be used to help my marriage and include, stroking your partner with a caring remark, changing the topic, showing signs of appreciation, backing down, displaying that both of you are on common ground and using humor. Instead of dwelling on the problems you may face or have faced as a couple it is important to remember all the wonderful times you have and have yet to have. Being positive about your relationship is important to maintain that relationship.

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