Friday, February 19, 2010

Do I Need Closure After A Breakup Before Dating Again?

By Gregory Howard

There is a common belief that you can't go forward until there is closure of the old relationship. So is closure a must? I feel the answer is unique to each individual. Some people never really reach what is viewed as closure, and still are able to go on to be successful at relationships.

So what is closure anyway? Is it that ah-ha moment when you all of a sudden wish the best for your ex and have no ill will? And is it absolutely necessary to be able to date again? Lets find out:

There Is A Difference Between Dating & Relationships

When you are dating there really is no emotional commitment. There might be attraction and nervousness, going on but it's at a pretty minor scale. Dating is like a practice run so there really isn't any closure needed.

When comparing dating to a relationship it's like comparing a ride in a canoe to one on a cruise ship. There is a whole lot more to a relationship especially when you have 100% of your love, your dreams and your future plans involved.

We have so much invested in a relationship, and the closure process comes in the form of getting back the control of our love, our dreams and or future visions. Until we have command of these emotions we will find it very difficult to start the process of a successful future with someone new.

This Is The Frustrating Part

Lets just say you find another, they have the looks that you like, they are funny, they have manners and they smell good. What sucks is if you are not in control of your feelings from your last relationship this new one doesn't have a chance.

You need to put off any relationship until you are 100 percent alright with your ex not being in your life. Until you feel you are OK with your ex being out of your life stay away from anything that comes close to a relationship.

If you are not yet ready for a relationship does that mean you shouldn't date? No, studies have shown that dating can speed up the act of getting your heart, your hopes and your dreams back.

Take Them Back, They're Yours

Here's what I mean: Dating closure isn't a must but relationship closure is, if you are looking to build a successful relationship in the future. It is well worth the time and energy to get your emotional ducks in a row. Because it's not fair to you or the other person, know matter what they smell like.

Taking control of your emotions might be one of the hardest and scariest things you have ever had to do. You need to look at the big picture, the picture of you with a happy future, no matter how scary it might seem now.

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