Monday, February 22, 2010

How to Impress a Girl If You're Shy

By Brad Jackson

Some men tell me they can't begin learning how to impress a girl because they're shy. If you can relate to this, you are hardly the only one. There are so many of introverted guys who get cold feet when theyre face to face with girls. They stand there and can't say anything.. When I encounter some who need to learn how to impress a girl even with their introverted disposition, I always remind these guys that being shy isn't a handicap. Shyness is a part of your social programming and it can be surmounted.

At this point, you need to ask yourself: are you making use of introversion as an alibi? You bet there are men who tell themselves that they're too shy to learn how to impress a girl and simply give up without trying.

What you probably don't know is that you can take advantage of your shyness to attract women. A lot of women find shy guys adorable, which tells a lot. Theres a level of shyness that appeals to women. In fact, your gentle nature could be the thing that sets you apart from the rest of the guys who are trying hard to act macho. Learn how to impress a girl even if youre the shy type.

How to Impress a Girl - Two Techniques for Quiet Guys

1. Direct the Flow of the Convo

Women dislike overbearing men. This fact is noticeable anywhere you go. But these women dislike men who cant take charge of the conversation even more. So, how do you strike a balance between being too overbearing and letting her talk?

Prod her to talk, but direct the flow of the conversation by asking thought provoking questions. Crack jokes or neg her when she spouts bullshit. Laugh along with her when she tells a joke, and dont forget to take a swipe at her with your own brand of teasing.

When a girl opens up about her interests, that's your opening to get to know her more. Her stories will also tell of her hobbies and whether she is someone you want to spend a weekend with or not.

This style of conversing with a woman builds rapport fast. She will remember you as the guy who completely made her feel at ease talking about herself.

2. Show Her Another Side of Your Personality

Just when she thinks she has you figured out, surprise her with another personality aspect that you haven't shown her yet. Think about it. A woman has a predetermined notion of who you are and what you are about , then when she sees a side of you thats unexpected, she reels in disbelief.

One of the tools you can employ to learn how to impress a girl are magic tricks. The key is to be natural about it, like when you try it while you are in the middle of a discussion, or when the talk is getting boring. She wont see it coming, but she will be pleased that she found a gem of a guy she is utterly attracted to that night.

Find out more about magic tricks and how you can apply these to attract women here

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