Friday, April 16, 2010

Beliefs Can Impede The Laws Of Attraction

By Rich Thorne

The laws of attraction and your beliefs work together. Beliefs can actually interfere with these laws. These are those beliefs that are deep in the subconscious. The ones learned as a child that are still with you whether you think about them or not. They keep you from having the joy and success you want and deserve.

If you have a limiting belief you will go about making it true no matter what. If you believe all men are cheaters those are the kind of men that will seek you out. If you believe you do not deserve happiness, each time you are near it you're sure to find fault or cause a negative circumstance. Even though your conscious mind is now on finding your current idea of a healthy relationship.

Part of the law of attraction teaches you that what you think is what you are a magnet for. What your mind dwells on is what will be attracted to you. How you currently live is a direct result of your current belief system. Take stock and you will see what it is you truly believe. If you do not want to be poor, you will surely attract poor situations. The mind does not recognize no or not. The message that is repeatedly received it poor, poor, poor. Now if the thought was more expansive and was constantly placed on wealth you are more likely to get where you really wish to be.

In what situations do you feel the least comfort? What patterns keep repeating for you? This is where you will find limiting beliefs. Those times when you automatically say No, I can't do that, without even thinking about it. Those I can't, I shouldn't, I don't deserve, etc. Are the thoughts that stand in the way.

You can spend years working on the thought that you are wealthy and concentrate on wealth and never achieve it. This is due to your limiting beliefs. Let's take a little far fetched example. You want to fly and you keep your mind centered on flying. Don't jump off anything high and think that belief will sustain you. Underneath all that positive thinking is the ingrained belief that you cannot fly. People simply cannot.

Your current life is a result of what you really think. The laws of attraction bring results when your beliefs and what you focus your mind on are in harmony. Finding the limiting beliefs and bringing them to light can help dispel them. Once they are out of the subconscious you can start to make real progress.

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