Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cigar Shop, CA And The Cigar "Coolness" Factor

By Alex Frasier

Cigar Shop, CA: High Status

Smoking a cigar with friends after a hard day of work is something that every cigar-smoking aficionado relishes. Just yesterday, a heated discussion on the status a cigar affords us came to light as a group of us were laying around at one of the best Cigar Shop, CA locations.

One of the guys made the comment that smoking a cigar used to seem more prestigious when every Tom, Dick and Harry couldn't pick one up at any local corner store. He was saying that back when it was a bit harder to get your cigar, it meant more to be a cigar smoker.

Cigar Shop, CA: Johnny's Rant

Well, this just flat out made Johnny madder than the mad hatter. Johnny takes his image quite seriously and took great offense at the thought that his status symbol might not be seen in the correct light.

Johnny said that he was cooler than any other guy out there for smoking his top dollar Montecristo. He started screaming that the only reason other guys could find cigars more easily these days was because they were buying $3 cheapies at the corner store.

Cigar Shop, CA: Hard to Focus

The other guys in our group tried really hard to think on what it was that Johnny had been yelling about. However, what was really going on was that the group was spending more mental power on the watching the young woman who walked by in that tight dress.

Finally, once the woman had turned the corner, we were all able to focus slightly on which side of the argument we were going to side with. What was the truth here? Had our coolness been zapped when it comes to smoking our cigars?

Cigar Shop, CA: The Final Decision

Johnny...on his third drink of the night...was getting louder and louder in defense of how great of a cigar smoker he was. The rest of us started screaming back, some in defense of how we had been made less-than-cool by the "corner store" phenomenon and some in defense of Johnny's position.

Our discussion never did have a conclusive answer, but we think the fact that we were saved from an all out brawl when our hot girlfriends, who love cigar smoking guys, came to pick us up for a crazy night on the town answers the question once and for all about how cool it is to be a cigar smoker.

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