Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How To Date Women - Keep Her By Your Side

By Alan Robinson

If you already at the stage where you are thinking about how to date women, I assume you already possess a woman in mind and both of you might have gone on a couple of dates already. In this stage, you have a chance to show her that you're an independent and fun man to be with and make her wish to be a part of your life. Know that conveying yourself as an independent and fun guy doesn't imply you should try hard to impress her with false attitude and expensive gifts.

By "independent", I mean that you should stop asking for her approval on everything like "funny isn't it?" or "did you have fun?"; have confidence on yourself and lead the way. Become a man who can clear up his own issue, don't complaining about your problem in front of her and perceive yourself as a guy she can count on.

Moreover, DO NOT seeking to impress her with money. Some guys will instantly draw their visa card as soon as they see the woman they like point on an item in a shopping mall. But when you're trying to buy a woman's heart with cash, you'll get a shoppoholic woman and it'll lead to even more problems sometime soon. Moreover, she may ditch you immediately if you've gone broke or get fired from your high-class job.

By "fun", I am not saying that you ought to learn hundreds of jokes and humor. Jokes and humor will flow naturally from anyone who already understands how to date women properly. Just be fun, tease her, mess with her, and keep flirting. Concentrate the conversation on her thoughts and opinions and steer clear of "yes-no" question like a plague. Try to toss 1 or 2 imaginary question such as "if you are able to decide on where to live on, where would that be?" to understand her character and how she sees live. Keep building attraction and emotional connection with her by speaking about her passion and desire. Also, make her know you a bit better by talking about your interest and look for common characteristics between the two of you.

Even with "I'm fun to be with" attitude, your date will certainly going nowhere if you cannot create the "spark of chemistry". Don't count on your lady to do this; you as the man must lead and make the date keep exciting and enjoyable. Try to have more physical contact such as holding hands, putting your arm around her waist, or kissing her cheek. If she's comfortable with your touch, you might be able to proceed further on the next date (or even later on in the night).

You don't really need to be a guru at how to date women to please your woman. The things that matter are she's enjoying her time with you and your relationship keep escalating to the next level (if you keep it stagnant, you will end up as "best friend"). Making her laugh is not enough; you have to be involved deeper with her, both emotionally and physically. To be precise, you'll need to create the chemistry between the two of you to the point that people believe that you somewhat have romantic relationship with her. If you failed to convey this message, you might even find yourself a competitor; this is most likely to happen, especially in a club where plenty of guys are coming to get themselves a hot chick. By knowing and doing the right thing, this won't happen to you.

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