Thursday, November 25, 2010

Smiling Too Much

By Alex Decoto

Let's talk about smiling and attracting women. What? How is that connected?

I don't see a lot of people talk about this subject. Why do we smile at all and how is this connected to attracting women?

It turns out that we humans do not actually laugh because something is funny, at least most of the time. We smile for entirely different reasons, which are connected to our survival. When I was a kid, I used to get beaten up and harassed by bullies a lot. Other kids always used to describe me as a kid who smiles a lot. And it was true, I always had this weak beta grin on my face. Why did I really smile so much? It's not that anything was so funny, but it was because I was a weak kid who had no self confidence and no self esteem. Smiling was a way to show the strong guys that I am weak and submissive and that I will do everything as long as they do not hurt me. Smiling was a way of letting the tension go. It is sad when you really think about it. I rarely laughed because something was funny.

Well, guys who are successful with women can handle conflict. They don't run away from conflict. They embrace conflict. That is why a mature masculine male can tell a joke or say something remotely threatening without smiling. Nice shy guys usually always smile when talking to women. That kind of smiling is interpreted as weak and done from a point of false appeasement.

If you want to truly develop as a man, start being more hones. When I say hones, I mean that you smile and laugh when something is funny TO YOU, not because you think that it is polite to smile at the appropriate moment. That is why man comedy guys never smile when telling jokes. They understand that people will laugh when the tension is the biggest. Keep a neutral face.

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