Monday, December 13, 2010

Signals Suggesting A Girl Finds You Attractive

By Richard Wellington

After long periods of chatting up this lady, time comes when you really want to know whether to go another distance with her. You now need to know whether she would be interested or not.

Well it is quite easy to tell if a girl is interested by just watching out for her body language.

1. Look at her eyes. The trick is to catch a few discreet glances at her when you are together in the same place or room. If you catch her stealing furtive glances at you, it is a definite signal that she might consider more attention from you.

If she is not afraid of locking eyes when you are holding conversation, it means she is interested. Shifty eyes that do not want to hold your own are a very bad sign.

2. Restlessness when she is near you. If she feels uncomfortable near you, she will show it by being restless. Take note of her moves, if you see her fidgeting with her hair or clothes; it is a good sign.

3. Inclining towards or away from you. Notice the difference between these two. If you are together and she keeps leaning towards you when talking it means she is comfortable with you but the opposite is true if she leans away altogether. Leaning away means she does not like being near you.

4. Watch for a smile. It indicates that she likes you if you see a hint of a smile on her upper lip and especially if she begins to tilt her head to the side.

5. Does she make the moves towards physical contact? It might just be a small gesture like her leg brushing on yours, her hand touching you while in conversation. That means she is comfortable and ready for a relationship, your next moves towards that direction would not take her by surprise.

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