Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Understanding the Law of Attraction by means of Technology

By Luke Chinchpoklee

The Law of has surfaced in the mainstream as one of the ways to make the universe in favor of what you intend to be or what you desire. There are however misconceptions to this idea. Many people think that while using law of attraction is merelylike a light bulb that one could turn on and off. It does not work that way. The law of attraction needs consistency for it to work in support of you. It should not be used to answer an unexpected burst of emotions. There are law of attraction techniques that need to be frequently applied to be more effective.

The essence of the techniques for the law of attraction revolves around knowing yourself and being one with the universe. To apply the techniques you have to be calm all the time considering that a tense body will not work with focus. Next, be sure to be clear with your desires and what you would like to make it more specific. Another thing to consider is to truly feel it. Whatever you need or want you need to feel the essence of it then you must trust the universe that it will be provided to you. You also have to put a little gratitude into everything that you do to provide something returning to the universe and lastly, you must make all of this a habit for regularity.

So now that we know the techniques we can then welcome the tools that could work for all of us with the help of technology. There are a lot of law of attraction tools but since technology is at our side then we must use it to its full extent. There are already computer based Law of Affirmation tools and software available today. Computer based tools can readily be installed in your computer. These contain optimistic affirmations combined with music and visualizations to assist you attain a relaxed state of mind. Programs vary from relaxation through affirmations to even writing programs to shell out your limiting beliefs.

However, Law of attraction software come in sound files that you can easily transfer to your portable player. This process will help you understand more on the law of attraction and affirmations as you go about your daily chores.

All in all, if you think of it, the Law of Attraction is quickly available for all of us too understand by means of Law of Attraction tools available for our use. The entire world could be a positive place to live in when we can work to make it as one.

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