Friday, August 5, 2011

The logistics of a house fire - insurance / contractor / recovery - need to know what it is

Statistics say that in different parts of the country, many different possibilities of severe weather, fire danger remains the biggest disaster is for individuals and families. Across the country there are families in every state, every day an average of 1-2 fires have been affected by fire in the home or apartment. Unfortunately, at least two families in our communities every day and in many cases, more - lost their homes and belongings to a devastating fire.

In 2009, my husband and I got up to 6 - 7 2 foot flames out the window of our bedroom I am in the morning. It expects some or all of you do not want to deal with.

Below are the most important things to know before everyone is such a life-changing event should think about doing something.

personal items with serial numbers, including the electronics, paper clips. Keep a copy in a secure location off site. The trouble all items will be much easier if and when the time comes.

Make sure you have adequate coverage for a range of structural and personal items to be checked. Make sure you have a ride home offices can be attached to the limits about what you know. We were surprised to find out they only have to pay $ 2,500 to replace any office equipment. It did not cover one-eighth of the total losses at the office.

If your family is growing and life insurance coverage you may need more. The site may have a copy of your policy and put it in a safety deposit box.

To see if your smoke detectors and / or carbon monoxide detectors are to code and check every six months to have fresh batteries.

Your credit card, invoice and bill due dates and make a list of telephone numbers. Our fire two days later I call all of your creditors to make sure I had time to start paying them. Fortunately most of that was fresh in my mind, because the fire was the day I made all my bills. Unfortunately I do not mail them if they had burned. Keep this list close to the site.

Make sure someone in your area, call the Red Cross Victim Support Group. Usually the police or firemen to you. Make sure they do that for you. They will help you a place to stay for a few nights if you do not find the place to go. They are wonderful and very helpful

We have our cattle and horses had to live on the site. But it took six days to make the arrangements and RV And we went to a motel. The motel was close to 45 minutes. A trusted family member or friend that you set out the details, and once you make decisions that can help all kinds. . It's all happening at once and the end is huge.

When someone gives you a referral for a job that does not mean they are necessarily honest or trustworthy. You check them out a bit before you need to hire them. Everyone respected when they are going through something like this deserves.

Fire within a couple of days that an investigator at the site to determine the cause. They had a lot of questions and to draw us out of the room where the fire started. It was so disgusted with the way they wanted an idea how the room was used. They wanted the room to every little detail and what it was.

can make is to ask the approval. We have some items which were paid but they did anyway.

Most of all to take good care of yourself during recovery. Your mind, body and soul nourishment. Recovering from any life-changing event to say the very least can be a daunting task.

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