Friday, September 23, 2011

A Mind Boggling Scrabble Cheat

By Lillie Workman

You don't have to be a genius to win a good game of Scrabble. Even though some people chose to win by using a Scrabble solver, a reliable Scrabble cheat is, strategy. Unless you have a chip implanted to your brain that is specific for winning this particular game, you might want familiarize yourself with some of the following tips:

1. Keep a good eye on the board for few vowels. If you happen to have one of the few vowels on the board, use it. This advise is to prevent you from having double letters when you are given new tiles.

2. Too many vowel wearing you down? Don't fret! Before you think about exchanging your tiles, think twice. Chances are you will be able to make words like agree, iodine and eerie. On the board, don't forget to look for available consonants.

3. Do you think that too many consonants is a drag? The answer to this is, not at all! Sometimes having too many consonants is considered an opportunity for domination. Why? For one thing, consonants are letters that possess higher values. Also, there are numerous words that contain no vowels at all, and those words are of the following: dry, cysts, hymn and cry.

4. An ill-famed letter from all the consonants is Q. You don't always need the letter U to use this tile. Words like qats, qubala, qis, and qaids are legitimate words to use.

5. Other letters like J, X and Z are just as infamous as Q. Many first time players are discouraged to use these letters because of the possible limits. Having a good strategy and a positive attitude will help you win. Why? Because these are letters that are high in points!

People often begin thinking of words that start with the letters that they have. But this is not the case. For J, take adjust, ajar and adjourn. For X, think excuse, axis and extra. For Z, take realize, prize or grazer in consideration.

If you're a beginner, don't be discouraged when you lose. Having a good strategy might be the best advise on Scrabble cheat in the web. This particular game requires practice and concentration. With a decent vocabulary, and some stroke of luck, you might just have your opponents believe that you're cheating. So go out there and have fun! Read more about: scrabble cheat

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a quick Scrabble tip: Focus on playing words with high-value tiles like "Q," "Z," and "J," even if they're short words. These letters are worth a lot of points and can quickly boost your score. Also, try to build off existing words on the board to create multiple words at once and maximize your point potential. I found this word finder to be really helpful: