Sunday, October 9, 2011

Get A Girl Interested in You

By Chris Miller

Building curiosity is one of the most difficult aspects of seduction. Interest brings about so many other things, like attention, intrigue and curiosity. A girl can simply ignore you if curiosity is not present. Before you can date girls, you must build interest. Remember you're no more than strangers to each other. Women see you as a guy like all the others. Ladies have the choice whether to reject you or string you along. They can get rid of you and go for other men. But the power shifts in your direction once the women develop interest in you.

How can you start a relationship, if you're the only one with these feelings of liking? It's not going to happen. Fortunately, there are some simple hints to building interest. Here are some of the effective ways.

1. Employ Social Proof

A boring product that you just would not look at would seem like a popular item if a beautiful woman were using it. Dating uses social proof in the same way. If your target sees you hanging out and having fun with interesting people, you will become interesting. After all, you have to be special in your own way if so many people like you. If you know how to use social proof, you can become better at seducing girls.

In the series Entourage, this state of affairs is played out by Turtle, the boring man who becomes interesting because he is friends with Vince. This is often referred to as the halo effect. It's the endorsement of the people you hang with that matters. What does this mean to you? Make sure you talk to good-looking ladies in a party, even if you don't intend to hit on them. Join a spirited group.

2. Banter

In the beginning, things are going well, but the tables could flip if your conversation is boring. The worst thing you'll be able to do is to ramble on and on about yourself. You're not desperate to impress her. Do it like TV hosts do, and treat your woman as your guest. The more she talks, the more she thinks the chat is fun. Of course, you've got to take the lead and segue in the direction you want.

You also can talk about leisure activities to give you an inspiration where she would wish to go on a date. Don't disclose everything about you in one go. She has to discover some parts of your persona on her own.

3. Date

Take the girl out. If she agrees, don't assume that you're dating already. The initial date is the extension of your first meeting. You're continuing the connection in another setting. This is a crucial date because you'll be able to get her more fascinated with dating you for the long term.

About the Author:

1 comment:

Charm said...

Great post! Simple and straightforward. Interesting.
