Thursday, January 5, 2012

Making Sense Of A Cool Skull T-Shirt

By Ben Mosley

There will be no judgment passed on people who are happy here. It is sincerely okay to be a happy person and to live your life in the light of your peers' approval. That being said, the rest of the world should be a little more understanding of those who live outside of that common approval. The kids in the cool skull t-shirts and the sleeves of tattoos have a place in society too.

The world is not an inviting place for the people of the cool skull t-shirts. It doesn't want to invites us to dinner. There is no extra place set at the table for us because we would just be too unseemly sitting there amongst the sheep who parade through life, waiting to be sheered and slaughtered by big industry and capitalism.

If you don't want someone like me over for supper, you definitely don't want to seem me at your front door to pick up your daughter for a night out on the town. It doesn't matter if I have a higher-than-normal IQ and will breeze through college like I did High School. You see me as a sickness your kid could catch, and you wouldn't be wrong. My ideas are as contagious as any viral infection.

Serenity and balance comes from being able to see where the lines of control and hypnotism begin. The commercial world want us to buy their burgers and their clothes, but we don't need any of that. It is garbage. I will wear my cool skull t-shirts until they fill with the same holes that are inside me just to prove that I don't need what the world has to offer me.

Some people will tell you that all we are is a fashion trend, but they would be wrong. Our world has existed all the way back when people were burnt alive for looking like we do and acting like we act. We're not a fashion trend. We are a living embodiment of an active decision to live differently. It is more than just makeup and cool skull t-shirts. It is an ideal we must strive to live toward every day.

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