Thursday, June 21, 2012

Clues That Your Relationship Is Really Over

By Daniel D Dalton

How do you know it's really over? The sorrows that go with each break-up is depressing. Yet, thinking whether or not there will be a second chance is frustrating as well. So when is enough really enough?

Relationships may or may not survive. A lot of these ends for many different reasons. But one thing certain, for the party who does not want the relationship to end, the feelings are the same: hurt, desperation, panic, emptiness, a knot in the stomach, and any other emotions that a person does not want to feel.

Who Can You Blame?

There is an excellent way to determine when over is over. Your answer relies on the person who took the step to put an end to the relationship. Read on and you will come across different circumstances to assist you in finding out when over is really over.

If in your case, your ex partner said his or her goodbye due to unresolved issues especially from your part; say, an attitude for example which you already talked before but you did not take too seriously, take to heart that your ex do love you. However, his or her patience is tested by you not acceding to what should be done.

He or she only meant to get your full attention and hoped to see a positive change from it all. If you are able to comprehend the message and willing to do something about it, be assured that your partner is also willing to save your relationship and make it work.

A Clue that It's the End of the Road

On the contrary, if your partner ignores all efforts and ideas to try saving the relationship, looks as if he or she is eager to stay away from you, does not like to attend counseling classes, despise books or any material that helps in strengthening and building healthy relationships, or in short, is not interested to settle whatever the issue is within the relationship but rather, he or she wants nothing but out; hence, it entails that your relationship is coming to its end and the likelihood of getting back together is dim.

This type of walker already made plans on embarking on another chapter of his or her life with somebody else or may already found someone new. This person may be planning his or her exit strategy for quite some time already for he or she felt trapped within your relationship or has fallen out of love with you. Usually, on a case such as this, the walker disregards any hopes or chances of saving the relationship for the person wants nothing but to be out of the relationship.

Akin to anything else, somehow relationship ends if it is not meant to last. Whether there will be a second chance or a continuation of the story depends on the couple. However, if you are in the same situation wherein your partner shows similar characteristics with the latter of the above two situations, there is nothing much you can do but accept that it is really over.

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