Monday, August 10, 2009

Attract Beautiful Women - 3 Simple Steps To Gain An Advantage

By David Lynn

When it comes to attracting beautiful women here are 3 quick and easy tips to help you win over the other guy. We will be going over why it is important to be positive, have a nice fresh look, and how to be more entertaining. Once you are done reading this article you will have a better knowledge on how to attract beautiful women.

Having a positive attitude isn't only being ready for anything it is also remembering to smile while you are at it. Smiling improves your outlook and the way you feel about life and women will notice this aura surrounding you that the other guys lack.

Don't stop with smiling, either. It's time to stand up straight, pull back your shoulders, and push out that chest. While you are at it add some spring into your step to show you have meaning. It doesn't stop there, let's move on.

Looking good is very important and the ladies will definitely notice a man who is looking his best more than one who looks like he has been wearing the same pair of pants for a week. For the best style tips check out what celebrities are doing with their clothing and hairstyles.

Look down at your feet right now, do your shoes look clean and in shape, or do they look like they have been chewed up by your dog? Women always notice a man's shoes so keep them looking good. It doesn't stop there, however, here's what else you need to know.

Don't be a stiff, be laid back and cool. Tell some jokes but don't try too hard to get her to laugh you aren't trying out for the circus to be a clown.

Are you taking all of your dates to the same place or doing the same activity? Well stop it now because not only is that boring to you (or is it?) it is boring to them and that is a major turnoff. Add more spice into your life especially by doing things you haven't done before. Go to a climbing wall instead of dinner and a movie.

Do you see what I mean about the importance of being sharper in appearance and quality of life? Most guys fail at this by thinking that if they be themselves they will do fine. Don't be yourself, be a better version of yourself. Go out there and attract some great women.

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