Monday, August 24, 2009

When Dating Younger Guys Is a Good Idea

By Alan Bentley

For any society to be truly successful it must be totally understanding and must embrace all kinds of lifestyles and preferences. This may not have been the case a generation or so ago, but today it is refreshingly acceptable. Now, when a woman considers dating younger guys she will invariably find acceptance, rather than a raised eyebrow.

Any woman who is considering dating younger guys must understand that she must be pretty outgoing and display a lot of energy. Having said that, it's important to be who you are and not try and portray yourself as someone else. This means that you really do need to have a natural outgoing personality and not be the kind of person who finds that they want to spend a lot of time at home.

If you have been through several relationships in your past which have not inspired you, you may be looking for somebody who exhibits a lot of spark, and someone who is naturally extroverted. Many women see this in men who are considerably their junior and find that the concept of dating younger guys appeals to them.

It is often the case that younger men are looking for a partner who is more mature. Some observers might say that they are looking for a mother figure, or that they may have missed out on something in their younger life. While you might be able to fit the call in this case, you should be careful when dating younger guys, that you do not automatically assume this as many are not looking to be mothered.

When you are dating younger guys, the age difference may make you feel as if you should be the dominant one in the relationship. This is a mistake, as he will want to feel as if he is a major contributor and you should always bring him into the loop, especially when about to make major decisions.

If you want to see friction and misunderstanding in a relationship, then you should forget about treating him as an equal. Conversely, as most people want to see happiness, when you are dating younger guys, you must try and think about them as young men instead.

Relationships are always difficult to make a go of and this can be especially so when dating younger guys. Generational differences may be brought to bear and while you may think that they can be subtle, they can invariably lead to arguments and disagreements. Both parties must accept that differences will arise and work together to get around them.

It is perfectly possible to have a great relationship if you are a younger guy and she's an older woman as has been proven time and again. With the right amount of flexibility, respect, restraint and good will, anything is possible.

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